Wood leads our top ten surnames - Is your name in the top 10?
10th October, 2017


If you are researching a One Name Study or would like to find more information about your ancestors to add to your family tree, we may be able to help.

With the growth in popularity of One Name Studies we’ve pulled together our current top ten surnames:

  • Wood
  • Timmins
  • Kelsall
  • Egerton
  • Lomax
  • Brooks
  • Burgess
  • Gough
  • Gurney
  • Bullivant

 We also have many variants of surnames. For example we have ‘Wood,’ ‘Woods,’ ‘Crewe Wood,’ ‘Haywood,’ ‘Isherwood’ etc.

 Our private collection of deeds contains a variety of information useful for genealogists including names, addresses, occupations, birth dates, relationships and signatures. It is likely that families stayed in the same property or area for generations, and our new property search (launching by 31st October) will allow you to trace a house’s history.

We hope Ancestor Homes can help One Name Studies and that our documents can build the profiles of many families and properties.

P.S. Don’t forget we update our database every month!